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In May 2019, Palorosa opened its first Milan store in a turn of the century building. Two shop windows overlooking Via Vigevano, in the Porta Genova district, house Palorosa store and studio. A summery atmosphere reflects Palorosa’s distinctive aesthetics, offering the backdrop for the collections, season after seasons, taking us to new essential and unique settings. The space Palorosa welcomes guests in a minimalist yet warm space, displaying delicate suggestions to the nature and architecture of Guatemala, Latin America and Italian Riviera. Customers can discover the newest entirely handwoven handbag and accessory collections, featuring unique shades, recycled plastics and natural fibers. The materials inspiring our creative process, as well as our work team, accompany the narration of the brand through its atmospheres and hues. An essential place that respects the authenticity of the original location. The interior design is characterized by a few, carefully balanced elements: simple circular shapes – a mirror; a bamboo chair and a ceramic vase – and linear components, such as the long white shelves and the natural tone floor-length curtains. All Tote Bags and accessories, the name of colors and plastic threads – ficus, opuntia, rose, cactus, chilca, eucalyptus – evoke travels to faraway naturescapes. Fresh flowers and botanical elements changing with the seasons and the smell of tuberose, tropical agave, depict the ideal setting for the extraordinary colors and weaving of Palorosa’s collections.

The store will close in January 2025.
The new Palorosa space will reopen in spring 2025.
Please feel free to contact us for more information by email: